I speak fluently in television quotes …

  • I can’t believe how influential pop culture is on my daily life. OK, no, I lie.  I can believe it. I am a pop culture junkie. I am not high brow, I won’t even begin to pretend I live a highly cultured life. I’m not saying that I turn away from high art, but I do live life with both Ludwig van Beethoven and Lady Gaga on my playlist.  Living life as a lover of low-brow culture means I am a slave to pop culture references, and it infiltrates my life all the time.

I don’t think I can go through life without attaching a thought or moment to a quote from a TV show or movie.

Like just now, my boyfriend was talking about him and his brothers watching a magician’s performance when they were kids.  After he finished his brief anecdote, I quoted a line from Community during the episode called Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, when Chang explained that he was “A magiciaaaaaan”.  And I laughed because of the delivery of the line.  And I laughed because of the line after it (which is, for those playing at home, “Magic user baby, whaaaaaaat”).

Not many people will understand the reference above. I wonder if there are other people out there who also receive blank stares when referencing a moment in pop culture?

Like these:

  • When someone talks about their insignificant problems (what is now commonly referred to as First World Problems), I follow it up with a line Chandler Bing said in Friends, which goes like this: Oh, I know, this must be so hard. “Oh no, two women love me. They’re both gorgeous and sexy. My wallet’s too small for my fifties AND MY DIAMOND SHOES ARE TOO TIGHT.”

Nobody thinks that funny except for me and maybe the 50 Friends fans left in the First World.  Ironically, I’m probably related to about 12 of them.

  • I am with two or more of my friends. One of them is not facing the rest of the group, so we cannot talk to him or her face to face. To remedy this situation, my other friend tells them to turn around. To which I sing in my head: Turn around, bright eyes. Every now and then I fall apart! 

And then I just go into the full song, silently in my head, while the conversation with my social group continues around me.  Does anyone else ever hear Bonnie Tyler in their head

  • I am sitting at work, checking my emails.  One of them is immensely, intensely and mind-numbingly uninteresting.  You know the one?  It usually includes phrases like, “The northern end of the car park is under construction” or “Please ensure you check out HR’s charity cupcake stall on level two”.  I read emails like this and quote Michael Cera from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and think: This is boring. Del-eeete. 
I didn’t even like the movie when I first watched it and now, that line is all I tell myself when I read boring emails at work.  Oh, hahaha, sorry.  Did I say work? I meant at home.  I only read unimportant and insignificant emails at home, never during work hours because everything I read at my place of work is important and interesting and I am service-oriented and will die an employee of Status Quo Pty. Ltd.
I am so sleepy and I need to sleep.  I feel so sleepy.  Sleeeeeepy.  Sleeeepy.  Poppies will put you to sleep.  Sleeeeeeeeeeep ….